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John K. Amanchukwu Sr.


I Know God.

Preacher. Author. Activist.

John K. Amanchukwu, Sr. is a rising voice exposing the racist ideologies of abortion and critical race theory. In Nigerian (Igbo), John’s name, Amanchukwu, means I Know God and he shares his passionate message as someone who does.


The time for fearless and well-equipped leaders to step forward and take back our schools, protect our children, and preserve the innocence of these little ones is now.

Influential preacher, author,
and activist

“Pastor John is as bold as a lion at a time when most pastors are cowards.”
Pastor John K. Amanchukwu Sr. is an influential preacher, author, and activist who spreads God’s truth zealously and without fear. Along with serving his local church in North Carolina, John travels nationally to speak, preach and confront school boards, for which his notoriety has spread coast to coast with 300 million + views on videos of his now famous challenges to woke school board officials. From the battles on the NC State football field to the current-day culture wars, John is a fearless defender of Biblical justice.

The Book

Millions of Americans have fallen for ten big lies about God, man, and our country. These false dogmas, ferociously enforced, are bringing our country to its knees.

John Amanchukwu, a pastor and truth-teller, is determined to smash these lies. His compelling stand against gender ideology and race-baiting at school board meetings across the country has attracted a huge online audience and made him a leading voice for biblical justice.

In this powerful new book, Amanchukwu names the ten lies that have beguiled our country and takes them apart piece by piece.

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