John Is Speaking Out
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John K. Amanchukwu, Sr. is a rising voice exposing the racist ideologies of abortion and critical race theory. In Nigerian (Igbo), John’s name, Amanchukwu, means I Know God and he shares his passionate message as someone who does.
Millions of Americans have fallen for ten big lies about God, man, and our country. These false dogmas, ferociously enforced, are bringing our country to its knees.
John Amanchukwu, a pastor and truth-teller, is determined to smash these lies. His compelling stand against gender ideology and race-baiting at school board meetings across the country has attracted a huge online audience and made him a leading voice for biblical justice.
In this powerful new book, Amanchukwu names the ten lies that have beguiled our country and takes them apart piece by piece.
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